by Norm Foster Directed by Shelly Meichenbaum Produced by Phyllis Anderson Starring: Abbas Hussain, Shannon Hill-Henderson, Julie Conder, Malorie Mandolidis, Louise Radburn Dr. Sean Merrit wanders into the small town of Stewiacke, Nova Scotia. Recently heartbroken, he’s looking for a new start and soon meets four local women, each with their own interesting life stories. …
Gibson & Sons
by Kristen Da Silva Directed by Cam Lund Produced by Phyllis Anderson Starring: George Ridout, Steve Hetherington, Tim Gernstein, Melody Brooker, Katherine Wootton, Coral Benzie, and Catherine Hughes Helping his father run the family business, a struggling small-town funeral home, has gotten in the way of Harry Gibson’s love life. Hungry for companionship, he secretly …
by Vern Thiessen Directed by Elaine O’Neal Produced by Rashi Gupta and Steve Hetherington Starring: Samantha Lynch, Steve Ness, Dylan Petersil, Brian Fukuzawa, Chris Irving, Zoe Kogon, Kathy Tomlinson 1957. In an effort to understand the devastating effects of radiation, leading scientists and academics are invited to a conference in the small town of Pugwash, …
by Ira Levin Directed by Julian Mulock Produced by Sharon Dykstra Starring: Steve Hetherington, Shannon Hill, Tristan Stansfield, Lynda Muir, Fabian Levy-Hara Sidney Bruhl hasn’t written a hit play for 18 years when he receives a script from a former student that’s a guaranteed success… a chance to rise to the top once again. Is …
The 39 Steps
by Patrick Barlow Directed by Harvey Levkoe Produced by Sharon Dykstra Starring: Peter Shipston, Janice Hansen, Brian Fukuzawa, and Gavin Magrath This is a hilarious parody adapted from Hitchcock’s film of the same name. It is a fast-paced spy-thriller spoof set in the 1930’s. Foreign spies, secrets, a murder, mysterious women, goofy police officers and …
The Fly Fisher’s Companion
by Michael Melski Directed by Joan Burrows Produced by Wayne Milliner Starring: Dave Henderson and Robert Ball A heartwarming, funny and yet poignant journey into the lives of two lifelong friends on their last fishing trip together. It’s a trip through decades and into a relationship that has all the turbulent beauty and gentle grace …
Jonas & Barry in the Home
by Norm Foster Two retirees search for friendship, love, sex and elusive happiness in an assisted living home. Barry meets new arrival Jonas and together they bicker and bond over women, sports, family values – learning how to open up to each other and how to keep living their lives. Directed by Sharon Dykstra Produced …
Innocence Lost: A Play about Steven Truscott
by Beverley Cooper In 1959, 12 year old Lynne Harper was found dead in a farm woodlot near Clinton, Ontario. A few months later her classmate, 14 year old Steven Truscott, was convicted of the murder in a case that was later considered one of Canada’s most notorious wrongful convictions. Directed by Sergio Calderon Produced …
Surrender, Dorothy
by Liz Best Ally, a widow in her 50’s, begins a relationship online and persuades her friends to join her in the world of internet dating. A hilarious and touching story about not only how to take risks but also how to live and love again. Directed by Brian Moore Produced by Debbie Makarenko Starring: …