How do you become a member of the Curtain Club?
Join the Curtain Club as a volunteer member, and participate in “putting on a show” or other volunteer activities. Print the membership form, fill it out, attach a cheque for $20, and mail to the Curtain Club. Family memberships are $40 for up to four!
Once your membership is processed, you will be sent a membership package outlining the details of being a member of the Club and giving you some pointers on to get involved. Also, if you have any questions about membership, our Membership Secretary would be happy to answer them for you; contact at
The Curtain Club is a volunteer community theatre group, made up of over 150 members, who contribute towards the production of 5 plays during each season. A season runs from September to June. Members pay a fee for membership (currently $20 for a season) which entitles you to work on productions, to participate on committees, to vote at general meetings, to attend each production free at our members’ preview night, to attend Opening Night Galas and Green Room Parties (the last night of every production), to attend our Annual Picnic and to receive our digital EBlast updates. Some members act in one or two shows a year and help out “backstage” on others. Some are not interested in stage work at all, but are invaluable to us through their contributions to the administrative work needed at the Club. Some of our members are associate members who are only interested in receiving the newsletter and keeping updated on Club activities.
All these people find one thing in common – the Curtain Club is a wonderful place to meet friends old and new, to have a terrific time and to feel good about bringing a piece of theatre to life. The Curtain Club has a place for everyone, whether young or not so young, experienced or completely new to theatre. We always welcome new faces who are eager to get involved in any way and we’re quite happy to teach and mentor people wanting to learn new skills. The amount of involvement is entirely up to each individual member.