Transcript of Video Message from the President Lynda Muir
To view video click here.
I hope you are doing well. It seems like a long time since we have had anything to share. The Curtain Club once again went into lockdown in December and still remains closed. The Online Theatre Series was paused, putting everything on hold throughout the winter. However, we are optimistic that we soon will be able to return to the theatre and continue with the series and present two more plays, Close to Death and Surrender, Dorothy. We’ll let you know when they are available for viewing.
Now that winter is behind us and the possibility of opening more realistic, we are excited about the prospect of producing live theatre once again for the enjoyment of our patrons and members. However, before deciding on our approach, we would like feedback from you; your thoughts and feelings about returning to the Curtain Club and what we can do to make you feel more comfortable. Right now, as vaccination rates increase and case numbers decrease, countries are in the process of reducing or ending restrictions and theatres are planning to open. For instance, Broadway intends to open in the fall to full audiences and the UK theatre season is gearing up as the UK plans to fully open by mid-June. Here, Stratford and Shaw are following through with theatre this summer outside to smaller audiences. I’m sure Toronto theatres won’t be too far behind.
The Board of Directors of the Curtain Club have been working on a reopening plan and we value your input. Originally, we considered opening a 5-play season in September 2021. This option was recently rejected by the board for a number of reasons including having to open the theatre in the summer for rehearsals, hesitation of patrons and members returning in the early fall before everyone is vaccinated and insufficient time to install additional health and safety measures. We now have three potential alternative options under consideration. Please take a few minutes and answer the questions in the survey. It will take less than 5 minutes to fill out and your feedback is extremely important to us. The Survey will be live until midnight June 6, 2021.
Once we have heard back from our audience and volunteers, we will make a decision about the season. At that time, we’ll send out another communication and let you know the plays that will be offered and the proposed timeline. We definitely will include both Tempting Providence and I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change – plays from 2020 which were postponed due to COVID-19 and which have not yet been seen.
Please share this information with other audience members that may not have joined our email distribution. The President’s Message video and survey will be available on our website.
I look forward to seeing you all again as we all engage in what we love – producing and enjoying live theatre!