by Vern Thiessen
Directed by Elaine O’Neal
Produced by Rashi Gupta and Steve Hetherington
Starring: Samantha Lynch, Steve Ness, Dylan Petersil, Brian Fukuzawa, Chris Irving, Zoe Kogon, Kathy Tomlinson
1957. In an effort to understand the devastating effects of radiation, leading scientists and academics are invited to a conference in the small town of Pugwash, Nova Scotia. Based on this event, Pugwash is an intelligent and thoughtful play that is relevant in many ways to today’s political climate, while shedding light on an intriguing local story.
Opens March 22 and runs to April 6, 2024
Box Office 905-773-3434
Single tickets are $24 each
Curtain time is 8:00pm each performance night and 2:00pm for the Sunday matinées
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):