by Michael Grant
A retired couple, enjoying a quiet evening at home, suddenly become victims of a home invasion by a young couple. It quickly becomes apparent, however, that the young invaders are out of their league when they are taught “the ropes” of how take control by these seniors!
Directed by Cam Lund
Produced by Wayne Milliner and Alice Torrance
Starring: Lynn Oldershaw, Dave Corbitt, Tristan Stansfield, and Puneet Kuldeep Bajwa
Opens Friday September 16 and runs to Sunday October 2, 2022
Box Office 905-773-3434
Single tickets are $22 each
Curtain time is 8:00pm each performance night and 2:00pm for the Sunday matinées
COVID-19 Update
Masks are not mandatory however, we strongly recommend that masks be worn in our venue. As our audience is so close to the action on stage, masking helps protect not only audience members but also the actors, who cannot wear masks when performing. By keeping them safe, we all can help prevent COVID-related performance cancellations.