by Michael Melski
Directed by Joan Burrows
Produced by Wayne Milliner
Starring: Dave Henderson and Robert Ball
A heartwarming, funny and yet poignant journey into the lives of two lifelong friends on their last fishing trip together. It’s a trip through decades and into a relationship that has all the turbulent beauty and gentle grace of a highland stream. This is a moving and comedic story about male friendship.
Opens September 15 and runs till September 30, 2023
Box Office 905-773-3434
Single tickets are $24 each
Curtain time is 8:00pm each performance night and 2:00pm for the Sunday matinées
The Fly Fisher’s Companion was first produced in 2005 by Ship’s Company Theatre in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia.
The Fly Fisher’s Companion is produced by permission of the Playwright and Marquis Literary (Colin Rivers)