the hilarious comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten
In this comedy, four Southern women are drawn together by fate – and an impromptu happy hour – and decide it’s high time to reclaim the enthusiasm for life they’ve lost through the years. Hilarious misadventures ensue, filled with laughter, friendship and a few liquid refreshments.
Performance dates:
May 30 (preview)
May 31, June 1
June 2 (matinée)
June 5, 6, 7, 8
June 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2019
Directed by Colleen Simm
Produced by Debbie Makarenko
Starring: Lynda Muir, Susan Lane, MaryAnn Swan, Victoria Curran, and Phyllis Anderson
Box Office 905-773-3434 (re-opens May 13)
Single tickets are $22 each
($19 tickets are available for our preview performance the night before each opening night)
Curtain time is 8:00pm each performance night and 2:00pm for the Sunday matinée
The Savannah Sipping Society is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc. New York.